- Will lead the way in its affordable Braille Literacy Program! The program progresses by integrating the internet into the every pedagogy. A study of Shakespeare, for instance, might also include a search of commentaries by authors and by the reading public, as well as, entries in Encyclopediae, and the like.
- Anything that is encoded in a text file can be read in a refreshable Braille display! Other non-text materials, such as images of text like Fax messages, could be converted into text via an optical recognition system (OCR). And affordable at that!
- The members of the FOUNDATION might decide to take up the challenge of re-writing and customizing the software, opening up a new set of job opportunities. And they could even accept software development engagements. They might even bring the project to different, though, more effective directions.
- The Foundation, in cooperation with communities of the Blind, could branch out into Braille Literacy Centers. To reduce capital investment, the Centers might have only one classroom for many subjects and for different class levels. For example, one user from one level could take up a subject in Literature, another in Math in another year level, and so on. This is possible because each user has an independent keyboard/Braille display combination and each user may access different parts of the PC file-system, at the same time. When networked, each user will have access to a whole new development and learning environment.
- Users may now access technical papers on the internet, or the intranet, and
conduct research that was heretofore possible only on expensive machines on the
basis of a 1_x_machine‑to‑1_x_VisuallyImpairedUser ratio. With this system, we
My DREAM is for the Visually Impaired to have access to the wealth of knowledge available in written form on the internet, and for them to enhance their humanity by being able to read, write, and publish. I am hoping that your visit could help make this DREAM happen for the VISUALLY IMPAIRED!
This site is your source of FREE materials (hardware schematic diagrams and
software) to build your own Braille Literacy Tool by yourself.